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Ziegfeld Follies circa 1943
Upon the death of Florenz Ziegfeld in 1931, his widow Billy Burke sold the rights to the valuable phrase "Ziegfeld Follies" to her husband's long time rivals, the Shuberts, who staged editions of the follies in 1934, 1936, 1943, and 1957. This edition of the elaborate musical revue starred Milton Berle, Ilona Massey, and Arthur Treacher.
Stovepipe Hat May 12, 1944
Out-of-town tryout of the Walter F. Hannan, Edward Heyman and Harold Spina musical flop at the Shubert Theatre in Boston, Massachusetts. The production opened May 16th, 1944 at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, Connecticut and closed in Boston, canceling the scheduled Broadway opening. Featuring Morton Da Costa and Parker Fennelly, choreographed by Helen Tamiris, with sets and costumes designed by Lucinda Ballard.
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