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Dark Eyes December 16, 1942
Three destitute Russian actresses in New York write a bad check and hope to be rescued by accepting an invitation to a Long Island estate. Writer/actresses Elena Miramova and Eugenie Leontovich are joined by Ludmilla Toretzka to complete the madcap trio that finds rescue in finance and romance in this popular farce directed by Jed Harris. The show ran for 230 performances.
Death of a Salesman January 24, 1949
The timeless Arthur Miller classic, directed by Elia Kazan, follows the desperate last days of salesman Willy Loman (Lee J. Cobb) as he deteriorates into a madness driven by the failure of his life. The story questions the honesty of the American Dream ideal and the worth of money and perceived success at the expense of family and emotional well-being.
Deep Are The Roots circa 1945
Directed by Elia Kazan, starring a young 23 year old Barbera Bel Geddes in her debut, and Gordon Heath as Brett Charles. The show follows an heroic Negro soldier returning to his hometown in the deep south, only to face racial discrimination.
Desk Set October 30, 1955
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