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Morning Star August 21, 1942
Gregory Peck made his Broadway debut in this Guthrie McClintic production, written by Emlyn Williams, which centers on the happenings of the British newspaper Morning Star. The play was Peck's calling card to Hollywood, despite its short 24 performance run and less than stellar reviews. These images are from the rehearsal.
Eve of St. Mark September 3, 1942
The very well received Maxwell Anderson war play about the journey of Quizz West (William Prince) from a young farm boy to a soldier in the jungles of the Philippines. The play was adapted into a film featuring Vincent Price in 1944.
Maid In The Ozarks September 14, 1942
A farce staged by Jules Pfeiffer. The play about Kentucky hillbillies migrated from Los Angeles to Chicago and was roundly panned by critics. Tenaciously, the producer kept the show running until it was purchased by two Chicagoans who better marketed the show with a panache that drew theatre-goers and brought the play to profit. After five successful years traveling the country the play finally made it to Broadway in 1946.
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